Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Sing it, sister!

I went shopping with my good buddy last week. As we were scoping out the merch, a trio of girls about 14 or 15 years old came in. They were being loud and silly - not to say that we weren't; they were just louder. At one point one of the girls said, "I like this skirt but I can't pull off mini-skirts. I don't have the legs." To which her friend replied, "Do you have legs? Then you have THEE legs. There's no wrong way to have a body."

Oh. My. Gawd. I was so unbelievably happy and excited to hear girls at the age i was when i absolutely hated everything about myself be so body positive and confident. I wanted to scoop that little purple-haired hero up and swing her around in the air crying, "Say it louder! Say it so they can ALL hear you!" Instead i gave a medium-loud, "Sing it, sister!" And did a fist pump. She probably didn't hear me. She really is a hero though.

Watch out, World. The next generations aren't buying your image-damaging ideals. Thank f√¢king christ!